segunda-feira, março 16, 2009

No iPod: "Hold on to yourself" - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Mr. Blonde acordou feito eu, entre o mau-humor e a depressão, e eu fiquei entre "An ex is an ex for a reason" do Courteneers e "Never gonna happen" da Lilly Allen (I know, pausa para enrubescimento leve), mas no fim, fica o Nick Cave, perfeito, e que o iPod tocou agora no almoço.

E eu tive mais um momento 'nhé' com o horóscopo agora, que disse "You may feel a bit stodgy during the day, Daniela, but things are going to pick up quite a bit tonight. There will be a great deal of wind to fuel your fire, and boy, are you ready to burn! It could be that you are like a desert of dry sagebrush just ready to catch on fire. The whole mountainside is about to light up in a beautiful blaze of glory." e me fez pensar:
1. no Bon Jovi ("I'm going doooown in a blaaaaze of glory...")
2. Nhé
3. definitely feeling stodgy, sure would be nice if things picked up a bit...
4. na cara de "ahmeudeus, é demente" da DaniDani ontem com a minha demonstração imediata de fé absoluta (por causa do '3', ainda que deprê eu tenho fé)
There's madhouse longing in my baby's eyes
She rubs a lamp between her thighs
And hopes the genie comes out singing
And she lives in some forgotten song
And moves like she is zombie-strong
Breathes steady as the pendulum keeps swinging

You better hold on to yourself

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