No iPod: "I'm free now" - Morphine
E momento horóscopo: "One disadvantage of attics is that so much junk tends to get stored up there. Today is the day for you to clean house. You've been putting this off long enough and now must face the dust and debris of your own personal attic. Whether it's emotional messes that need cleaning up or professional matters that beg to be attended to, know that you will be hurting yourself and your future prospects if you delay any longer." - sabe, eu até tenho algumas baguncinhas emocionais para limpar e resolver, mas de boa, depois de 1 semana inteirinha gripada, meio mal, meio lesa, cansada e com sono, a última coisa que eu vou querer pensar em fazer é limpar meu sótão, eu quero mais é sair, dar risada, aproveitar os shows da Virada amanhã e pronto.
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