quinta-feira, março 08, 2007

Aula de Dir. Adm... Tentando me distrair saiu um quase poeminha (claro, eu estava pensando no quiromante que eu ia e no que eu vou)

The lines on my hands
Left = Destiny
Right = What I made out of it

They're different - very different
Could I have missed my fate?
Lost it?
Do you lose it like that ugly scarf?
Miss it like that U-turn?

Looking at the lines on my hands
I notice I lost 1 marriage - or "meaningful relationship"
But the line that represents my life is now longer...
I guess marriages will cause you to die sooner.

I wonder which corner I turned, that I wasn't supposed to
Or expected to
Was it just one corner or more?
Did I turn it or did I go straight when I shouldn't have?

I'll never know (I guess).

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