sábado, maio 15, 2010


I used to live right by a big avenue, all night long I could hear sirens, cars zooming by, car crashes, music from bars.

All night long, as long as I was awake, I could hear the city buzzing along with me.

Here I'm in the middle of a quiet neighborhood, right next to a big city park. It's all quiet after 11PM, I go out to the balcony for a smoke and I can hear my footsteps echoeing, I can hear wind chimes from another apartment, tinkling.

Ocasionally a truck goes through an avenue not so close to here, and I can hear it. From time to time I hear a whistle being blown by some sort of street guard.

In the middle of the roller-coaster ride that my life has been for the past few months I have inadvertently found quiet.

Feels kinda lonely, not only I have no home of mine, but right now I'm feeling utterly by myself.

Maybe it's just my sleep deprivation talking, but so much silence is ______ blank.

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